Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Capriccio Alterations
Nung Chanya Siriphannon

Interno di Reggia con figure di guerrieri
Antonio Joli

Alteration 1
It was originally an exterior space. From the same point of view in the original, you can perceive the back empty court yard which contrast to the front that contain a scene. Imagining this same scene happenind in different context and atmosphere. In order to keep the protagonist action of the scene,what is left to change is the surrounding and the layer in the back. The method used is replacement. The one that give the most impact after change is the one chosen above. 
It becomes a setting of a scene in a modern theatre

Original Painting and Diagrammatic Reading

The original painting present a grand exterior space which contain courtyard in the back and continue on in the further back. The diagram explain personal interpretation of the painting.The painting can be separated in 3 layers. The mood shifted through layer, chaos on front to private in the back. The contrast of layer created by using light, shadow and color used to emphasize and capture our eyes. Eyes stayed on the front first and then conquest for more information in further back behind the portal.

View of the Brera Palace in Milan
Giovanni Migliara

Again, replacement technique is used to create different atmosphere and shift mood.
The background which is another courtyard is replaced by a port, full with ships.
The narrative changed from two noblemen touring around the place to a traveling rich couple that are about to boarding the ship.

Original Painting and Diagrammatic Reading
The original painting is similar to the one before. It also has 3 layers,framing in the front,middle with the protagonist and the last layer of the courtyard. Eyes are leading by the perspective eyes creating by the column arrangement until we reach the courtyard in the back. The view block our eyes to go further so we moving backward to the front and start to look around for more details. 

Other Alterations

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