Digram of "The Interior of Cunerakerk Rhenen" by Bassen, van Batholomeus.
I mainly focus on insignia and people or any elements that communicate stories.
Roof structure cover by tinted white let the other elements standout.
Yellow line : approximate Dimension and possible continue spaces.
White line : Perspective line, edge stop at the wall.
eliminate insignia, and Decorated Organ replaced by another window.
I shift focal point of viewer from elements more onto people and space.
eliminate all the wall, replaced by sea view and town.
By turn all the wall in to outside view, gives vibration to the painting.
Feeling of light quality increased. Feel the movement of people even more with the floor and column that's worn out.
I reveal what's behind the wall and change a situation where here is a not sacred place.
Eliminate all people,wood stand, and ornaments. Add ruins and make a hole onto the roof to let the light comes in
directly to objects i added.
I emphasize on ages of this structure and bring a new function as only space to collect ruins.
Introduce new floor and new wall painted. The corridor turns into an endless path.
Time has change to a presents day where space has been renovate. One wood stand and door were left to tell something to the viewer. only emphasizing on volume and space.
I tend to change atmosphere to a new and clean hall where space and objects are signify.
tone color also tone atmosphere to cold, abandon, and vacant.
with overall color make no object stand out
I took out all the aspect that tell the character of this space while it is also questionable of what function it should be or used to be.
Diagram of "Great Assembly of the States-General in 1651" by Batholomeus van Bassen.
I exaggerate the depth, structure of roof and how people interact to one another, while this room has unclear function when there's no furniture, no people, or no flags and symbol.
I emphasized on those quality.
People and impermanent objects that used to tell the presents of human turns into painting. I turn alive into non-live thing. The great assembly turn into only a partition to keep something behind the curtain.
I turn an assembly to a fake or imitate situation in order to drive attention from hidden stuff, and also depict 'life of human' that we often regain remembrance through some kinds of record from ancient.
I erase all of haroldery sign that communicate for each group of people. Add smoke to atmoshpere.
When there's no people, sense of dimension is also unclear and as unclear as the function of this hall.
It seems to only contain many pieces of hangout cloths and some sheet that covering half of the hall for something untold.
I make a focal point unclear and function unclear. Painting has nowhere to focus on.
Tone the flag color down. By adding a guy with trash can and also emphasize him by ray of light through window, this hall turns into unsued space and left only some guy to taken care of it. When there's no important event or some element to indicate that stories, space turns into insignificant one.
I change the purpose of this hall into non-purpose. Any space has less meaning when there's no presents of human and objects.
I completely change floor and wall into another space. Scale changes.
The only focus is outside landscape, it shapes inside atmosphere.
I make significant to outside rather than inside. Flags and other element has less intention.
Suddenly our eyes focus on difference size flags but then there is no sign or icon to tell anything much from it, thus move on to people whom dress all in black. They are in the middle of some sort of serious seminar and intense discussion.
I presents another dimension of this painting. firstly, we often seek for answer or story of everything. Secondly, color,shape or anything we perceive with eyes that we grow up with, we learn to have it communicate different stories in different situation, such as people wear all black to the funeral or skirt is only for girl to wear.
Key words: Shift Focus point
Hidden scenario
Spatial Experiance
Clearing Function.
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